D. N. Scott

D.N. Scott wears two hats, and I believe he wears them well. Hat number 1: I am unfiltered, direct and love to give jokes. Hat number 2: I’m a professional, to be exact, an actively practicing physician.

Both natures have to be fed.

Now, I thought to myself, why not infuse my personality into some art form? Yeah… Hence the writing — some will like it, some won’t... Ah just so it guh.

On to some personal stuff… Long story short, I migrated from Jamaica in 2016 at age 26 (yes, if you do the math, at the time of writing this bio I am around 34 years of age). Anyways, it was then that I really began to notice the keen interest some folks took in my personality, style and delivery.

I never did the arts in school, nor did I do literature past the 9th grade. By nature, I’m really a numbers guy. So, how the hell am I convincing you that I am equipped to write or have experience in writing? There is a long and a short answer to this.

The short answer is, writing piques my interest and I’m smart enough to have a great team, editor and designer etc (one of whom is my wife, lol), to be the dream catchers and help see this vision through. This resonates with me. That aside, I genuinely think I’m on to something, so just roll the dice with me.

Random fact — my gateway book was Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. Favorite fiction to date is a toss-up between Being There by Jerzy Kosinski and Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier.

My writing style is direct and interactive. It’s simple, informal and engaging with a little bit of fuckery.

Focus Genres for now – Dark comedy, mystery, drama, romance